Saturday, January 24, 2015

WIP: Aphrael Sculpt 1 and #morefemaleheroesplz

Greetings and salutations! I have been hard at work trying to sculpt a high resolution model of Aphrael. Be warned that mild nudity is in the following images; however, I wanted to show off my progress so far. Take a look:

I think this is the best body I have modeled so far, but it is only the high resolution sculpt, not the low resolution one that I will eventually make. In addition, I haven't added clothes yet which is what I will do next once I add Aphrael's hair. I was thinking of using Blender's version of Dynamesh and use a sphere to extract and shape the hair strands. It will be hard work but it will pay off later because I can shape the polygonal planes of the low resolution hair around the high resolution shapes, saving time.

There were two areas that took me quite a bit of time to get right and that was her legs and her hands. The legs I had to make sure they looked right since they are a key component of her design and you can see the musculature through the hose she will be wearing in the final 3D render. So I worked them over and over, changing length, thickness, and the like until I reached a shape I was satisfied with. It helps to work off of tons of reference as well. The hands took much longer because the shape of the fingers were distorted from my stretching the length of her arms so it took me quite a bit to get her fingers to look right. I even modeled some lines into her palms and sculpted her nails.

Overall, I like her shape. Her back and buttocks I think came out particularly well. At the same time though, I think I may lengthen her neck a little bit because right now I think her neck might be too short. I will have to make sure her head stays proportionate when I do this though. Notice that I left the feet alone. That is because I only need the silhouette of the shape of her feet to model her shoes around.

Next post I will show off Aphrael with hair before I begin work on the clothes so stay tuned!


If you have been following my Twitter, you may have noticed that I have a few tweets with the #morefemaleheroesplz label. Read this article here first then continue on below.

Okay, things like what is in that article you just read make me mad. Not toward the writer, but towards the culture that pervades the game industry. This is one of the reasons why the game industry in my opinion has a perception problem. The game industry is not a boys only club; 48% of all gamers are women and the 18 to 35 year old bracket make up more than the entire younger than 18 year old boys bracket per 2014 statistics released by the Entertainment Software Association. The industry is missing a potential market here by not developing more diverse protagonists in their games. Not every person wants to play a white male skinhead (this type of protagonist is the current fad and in my opinion quite generic and annoying). So I have made it my mission to start a new hashtag on Twitter called #morefemaleheroesplz. Please spread the word and lets get more female main characters in our games (and not the sex object kind like Noriko from Heavenly Sword or Lara Croft from Tomb Raider if anyone needs clarification).

I will admit right now that a main factor for me buying a game nowadays is can I have a female protagonist and does the character design make them interesting? It is not my only criteria but it is a frequent one that I use. Please ask game developers to make games with more female protagonists and spread the #morefemaleheroesplz hashtag around. Maybe we can start making a dent into developers' and marketers' attitudes toward female protagonists and finally dispense with this "boys club" mentality that has infected the industry for decades.

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