Saturday, January 17, 2015

Aphrael: 3D Base Mesh

Greetings and salutations! I have completed the base mesh for sculpting. Here is what it looks like:

Front View

Side View

Back View

It took me about four hours to get this done, but that was partially because I was watching a tutorial at the same time. I wanted to make sure I got the basic shapes down in as little polygons as possible because I am kind of bad with keeping poly counts low. My goal for the final character render is for 10,000 quads or less. Hence the importance of normal maps to bring out the details. The base mesh has 848 quads, which is very good so I was successful in keeping the poly count low on the base.

What is good about having a base mesh is I can use this as a base for all of my future character concepts. That is one of the most awesome things that I love about working in 3D is that you only need one model of a particular asset completed. Once you have that model, you can create multiple instances of the same object or use that object as a base for several new objects. Very useful and quite a time saver.

Next is the actual sculpting stage. I have never actually done a full digital sculpt before, just minor ones where I had a full hi-res model already and sculpted muscle forms and stuff on it. This time I will actually be starting from scratch so this will be a big learning experience for me. I have taken a physical sculpture class (one in real life, not digital sculpting) and I have watched countless tutorials on the subject so I am hoping to apply that knowledge to the task laid out before me. However, first I have to adjust the proportions of the model to Aphrael's proportions. Next time I post about Aphrael, it will be in regards to matching the base mesh to those proportions that I have outlined in the model sheets I created so stay tuned!

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