Saturday, May 23, 2015

WIP: Aphreal Texturing 2

Greetings and salutations. Sorry about the lack of posts, I've been quite busy recently. However, I do have work to show which consists of improving the textures on Aphrael. Lets go ahead and look at a full body shot so we can see the overall change in appearance from last time I posted.

Improved texture on Aphrael.
The materials are coming out much better than they have before. The satin is looking really nice, the hose actually now looks like hose and the hair... THE HAIR!

New and improved hair!

Another angle of the new hair.
The hair is amazing now. I learned how to do this hair by looking at a material set up posted on the forum here. I then tweaked a few values and added a few other things and I now have decent looking hair. However, the hair is not the only thing that is starting to look nice. Take a look at where tiling can take you in Unreal Engine 4:

A close look at the tiling textures for the jacket and leather.
Those textures, they look hi-res but they're really not. They are 256x256 normal maps. I have the material set up so that it tiles in the u and v directions of the UV map, creating the illusion of thread or texture roughness on the leather. The sheen on the satin is only possible because instead of using a diffuse material, I used a metallic material instead. And all of this controlled by RGB masks.

So the textures are coming out quite well. There is still a lot work to be done and I definitely need these textures polished up so that they will really look good. I hope to display that level of quality soon but for now I leave you all with shots of Aphrael's upper body and her legs to show off what UE4 can do and how it is helping get nice textures for the character. Enjoy!

Upper body.

Aphrael's legs.

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