Friday, April 3, 2015

WIP: Aphrael Lo-Res Model 4

Greetings and salutations! Today I wanted to show off my progress on Aphrael. Since I've had time this week to work on her, I have made some significant progress on her. Take a look below:

Front View.

Side View.

Back View.

I believe I am at or around 5,700 polygons at this point before triangulation. Many of the remaining amount of polygons will be used for the next steps which is the ruffles for her skirt and sleeves, her hair, and Aphrael's accessories like her sword and pistol.

This is going to sound weird but one of the most difficult areas that I always have doing is a woman's crotch. The shape and how the legs connect to the pelvis along with the shape of the buttocks always throw me into a loop. I didn't have as much issues here because I have been practicing. How have I been practicing? By modeling panties! I said I was going to sound weird. I'm not a pervert however. I actually studied how panties were made along with the various types and patterns that are used. I then attempted to model them in Maya. After a few attempts, I now understand the edge flow needed to create the correct shape for the crotch and how to connect the legs and buttocks to that shape. I believe I have finally succeeded here even though the buttocks are kind of high density. That's okay though because it will make it easier to get the correct shape of Aphrael bending her legs easier when I start rigging.

Overall, I am happy with how Aphrael is coming along. I am particularly pleased with how her legs came out. It was tough getting the shape of her two jackets correct but they are there now and I am happy. I hope to finally do the ruffles and her hair next before I start UV mapping. Accessories I will do later because those will need high-poly versions as well. I will most likely use subdivision modeling for the accessories.

Next time I post, I will talk about my progress with Unreal Engine 4 and how I am using it for Prism so stay tuned!

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